Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Caitlyn's almost last dance:(

My baby sister Caitlyn is 17 and graduating from high school this year! It's absolutely crazy how fast we grow up! I was looking at a VERY old scrapbook a little while ago, and saw a whole bunch of pictures from about 12 years ago, the 3 of us girls were so young. Now my little dirt eater is a almost grown up beautiful almost woman.. well you mite be asking what brought all this on... Cait went to her 2nd to last dance has a high school student. She looked so dang cute. (Who ever dressed her and did her hair is just a mastermind!) I dont know what im going to do when she goes away to college. I call her 3 times a day now! Oh jeez poor girl won't get any time to her self... actually maybe I'll talk Brad into moving where she goes! :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Brad and Porter

So i had Port the other day. I knew the poor guy was just exhausted. So i tried EVERYTHING. I rocked i swayed, i bounced, i fed him. But the little bugger just wouldn't stop yelling. About 2 seconds before i started crying because i felt so bad that i couldn't just help him go to sleep. Brad took him from me, and no joke within 10 seconds Porter was completely asleep. JEEZ!! So whenever Brad holds Port he thinks its nap time. Thank Goodness for husbands!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Adorable easter pic!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Porter Pictures

So Porter gets his pictures taken every month by a lady down in Utah. Porter absolutely HATES the lady he screams and cries the whole time. So we decided instead of driving all that way just to hear him cry that we would take the pictures our selves. I must say that the 3 of us did a WONDERFUL job! :) No more mean lady!!